Why the heck do I want to eat everything in sight as well as what is hidden on the top shelf of the PANTRY!! Halloween is being seen as a curse right now....On a good note Lila has been just awesome on little two wheeled bike with training wheels. I have pictures and yes as soon as I get my hands out of the chip bag I will post. Ahhh.........
I hear ya....I get fatter by the day. I am so disgusted with myself. I have no words of wisdom...just know your not alone. I always think people are going to say "your a yoga teacher? aren't you too fat to teach yoga!"
Sorry girls I am no hope. I am on a downward food spiral. I have been hitting the gym lots and it isn't helping. Today I had the HUGEST pumpkin muffin ever. For supper, fish sticks and tator tots. Right now pretzels with ranch dressing but oh yeah light beer. Hey the night is still young and I have blondies in the kitchen.
I too am on an eating binge right now. Hibernating, maybe!?!?
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