Ok I have come to the realization that multitasking is way over rated. I have decided I am no longer doing it. If 2 loads of laundry as well as the dishwasher doesn't get loaded well then only 1 load of gets done and it will be the most needed items UNDERWEAR!
I have no one to answer to about my home or how often I air out my "good" throw pillows or clean the banisters. If I manage to clean my carpets in the well traveled areas well good for me! I will no longer answer the phone while I am bathing my kiddos, I will suds them up and make elaborate hairdos out of the shampoo bubbles.
I will sit on my butt and watch an entire DVD with my family without jumping up and doing 5 other things. I will reserve time for myself to organize my children's paperwork especially Lila's since unfiled reports and tests causes only me great grief when preparing for an appt. I will let Lila hang with Daddy while I do homework with Ava, if she doesn't want to well to bad, grab a seat here's some colors and paper have at it, sister needs help and she deserves the one on one attention. I can't and will not please everyone at the expense of my clentched teeth.
I will no longer be the only one to miss family and try to arrange and appease everyone's schedule . I do want my children to be close to our extended family but I am not going to break my neck and still be upset with the outcome due to others lack of holding to their word to attend. Not gonna do it. I will do things that make my family and myself happy and grateful. I cannot and will not try to change others. I will be the friend I need to be and my best is good enough.
I hope you all have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. Keep it simple and enjoy! I know I am!
We've Moved to Caring Bridge
11 years ago
Bravo! Rock on Girlfriend!
Good for you!!!!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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