Friday, December 5, 2008, none for me thanks anyway.........., none for me thanks anyway..........

That is how I used to feel before I got married. I had never been a real "kid lover". Maybe because I was the baby of my family so I was never really was around younger ones. During my teenage years I babysat and hung around younger cousins but I did not look forward to marrying early and having kids. I stayed busy well into my twenties traveling and enjoying my tidy little existance. People always say "I can't imagine my life without kids" I can. Funny thing is now I really wouldn't want to. I have been introduced to not only my precious babies but have enjoyed loving some very special kids. They all hold a special place in my heart. I was thinking about most of them today, so this montage is in honor of them. The angels that are in my life and for that I am forever grateful. I am a better person because of them.


Guanogirl said...

Love the slide show.Cute kiddos.
I never wanted kids either. I made a deal that I get to have a puppy for every child he wanted. We are still one dog short! I love my kids but never had them in my plans growing up

Michelle said...

your kids are so beautiful!

Noel said...

The girls are just beautiful. I love all the pictures.
I am the opposite, I always wanted children, but I knew I wanted them when I was young( okay maybe not as young as I was but it has worked out okay)and four was never in the plan.
Thanks for giving me a smile with all your pictures!

Tara said...

Love the slide show! Kids were always in my plan - I just hadn't prepared myself for the possibility of a special needs child. Like you said - they made us better people :)

The flowering path

The path of our lives is made more beautiful by our children, our water pots that make life's flowers bloom...........