Friday, January 23, 2009

WEBCAM!! now what?

We got our webcam up!!! what do I do? I found Michelle's skype address and I think I sent a note to say we had our cam up, like I said I think I sent it. Anyway if anyone has a chance to help me test this out. Send me a post and we can arrange a time. ok.......I guess I will wait...........patiently.............hhmmm........(whistling) actually I can't is helping me wait. Ok she is impatient, I wonder where she got that from??.....................


Laura said...

Just signed up.
My skype contact name is laura.spinney.
What's yours?

Tara said...

We use skype too. We'll have to let the girls talk!

The flowering path

The path of our lives is made more beautiful by our children, our water pots that make life's flowers bloom...........