Hello bloggers, for parents I have some questions.
If you have attended some WS conventions either big or small
What would you have changed or had done differently?
Was there anything in the childcare that you wanted/not wanted?
Ideas that worked well or suggestions on how things were set up etc. We, the Gulf Coast Region will be hosting a one day convention of sorts (august 29, 2009) and I am in charge of setting up childcare. I have few things already in place but since I never attended a WS convention I am appealing to those that have "been there done that" for pointers or tales of disaster ideas (see exasperated picture for comic relief:).
There was one moment of panic for us when we went to pick up Erik from day care and we couldn't find him. We had no idea where he was for 15 or 20 minutes. Dr. Mervis's helpers had not signed him in when they dropped him off after his study, and he ended up being placed in another room. This was the only snag we encountered. I would just be positive people sign in and out with kids. The bracelets to identify parents were a good idea, and the care was WONDERFUL. I actually hugged the lady who took care of Erik all week at the end of the conference because I was so grateful for this service.
Tell me how your conference goes! I'm always thinking about attending one some day, but the idea makes me so nervous! I'm thinking about tantrums while flying, tantrums while we're there, tantrums during breakfast, lunch, and dinner... ;)
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