Friday, September 25, 2009


We had a parent teacher meeting at Ava's school, I know I was upset especially when I realized how aggressive I was driving, thank goodness it was light traffic:)

Unfortunatley her teacher had to leave since she was still ill so we met with Ava's counselor. A little background first. This is Ava's second round in 2nd grade. She didn't "fail" last year but her teacher and reading teacher felt she had not mastered the work as well as her math score was very low. She also had a issue with lack of confidence/immaturity. She would "shut down" when she was overwhelmed and would disolve into tears.

OK, so during the summer we made it a point of getting her more involved with group activities and sports, she did very well and really opened up. NOW we are back to square one, on the weakness section is noted, always sad and shuts down. URGGG this is only the 7 week of school. I want to cry myself.

The counselor is already working with Ava in a small group setting called the Tiger Leaders, these are children that have been held back for whatever reason and she works with them to take on a leadership role with their current class and work through any issues they may be experiencing. She feels that Ava can really excel if she applies herself however she admits that Ava is very quiet and is a "pleaser" and lacks confidence. John and I are already at wits end. We heap on praise on both girls (sometimes we joke that we can make those positive affirmation posters for a living) If you get on her she just crumbles, then you have just lost her. I had already posted on the WS site for suggestions regarding therapy for siblings of WS children and the majority said do it. I know this is not all WS related but we all know that a child with a disability does tend to garner a lot of attention. Combine that with Lila's over the top personality and Av easliy fades into the background. I have a list of therapists supplied by the school (parent generated) and I am familiar with one of the groups so I guess that is the next route we will need to take. I hate to think of my child as depressed but I am willing to get her evaluated. (SIGH)Sometimes being a parent just sucks and being afraid that you are failing your child sucks even more.


Noel said...

understand that one. Only I think I was the one in Ava's shoes. My parents never noticed and look at me now,screw up....I applaud you for trying. You will figure it out, I am sure of that. You know there is an issue,so you can work towards fixing it now.It is tough to be shy and quiet and not all that confident, and I think having a sibling who has a disability just makes you question yourself even more. Sending my love to you! I wish that there was some way to help you, but I know that you will do whatever you can to help her. You are a great mom and NEVER stop trying!

Julie said...

You are a great mom. I think we have all been there with all of our kids at one point or another. Feeling like we are at wits end and not knowing which way to turn. I am sure you will do what is best for her. Hang in there.

Alice Patterson said...

Patrick with ws, is 14. His sibings were 16,19, & 22 when he was born, so we didn't have these issues. You sound like a great mom, just keep plugging along and doing what you think is best. Being a mom doesn't mean being perfect, it just means trying your best for you kids. I can tell you do that.

The flowering path

The path of our lives is made more beautiful by our children, our water pots that make life's flowers bloom...........