Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday my Dear Ava!

9 years ago a little after midnight our firstborn arrived to brighten our lives. Ava Izabella Rich, our little "Missy Ava". She is a love like no other, I worry about her but in my heart I know she will be just fine (or we will die trying:). She loves all things blue, wears her heart on her sleeve, enjoys her "shows", puts up a fuss when prodded to read, wants long hair, enjoys making art showin her family (we have progressed nicely from stick figures with helmet hair to looking very stylish). She like shoes, hurts feelings with her blunt comments and feels terrible afterwards, digs dark colored skinny legged jeans, she is loyal to her friends, weeps at sad movies, loves her sister even when she is aggravated by her:)scratches her mosquito bites way too much, swims fast, has a good "hat head", still has her chubby baby wrists, paints her toenails but not her fingernails(?)may be a early vegetarian , has a section of hair that is crinkly, plucks the peas out of the pod then eats it, is great with directions and remembers how to drive somewhere, thinks mommy should drive a car "without a lid" (convertible), likes sports, is a quiet soul, likes fast cars, loves to visit with her cousins, enjoys milk immensley, likes all animals, wants a motorized scooter, sings but not a dancer. Above all she is a wonderful beautiful young lady and we love her with all our hearts. Happy birthday my love!

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The flowering path

The path of our lives is made more beautiful by our children, our water pots that make life's flowers bloom...........